
We get milk.

How do you make your quality dairy stand out in a lineup of home brands? After all, milk is milk, right? Not so with Anchor. Since the Anchor family in the 1990s, Anchor’s been an essential part of Kiwi lives. Through clever new stuff from Heartwise to the lightproof bottle, Anchor and Dow have always worked together to keep Anchor fresh for 22 years. The secret’s staying true to what Anchor means – the natural goodness of clover-fed dairy, fresh everyday, to fuel young Kiwis. For example, we created a menagerie of illustrated animals on packs, so popular they were turned into the successful animated Anchorville world. We’ve made it our job to make sure New Zealanders stay as staunchly committed to Anchor’s fine dairy products as we are.

Anchor Domestic - Fonterra Brands