25 from 25

We've been celebrating being a 25 years-young brand design company and here are 25 pieces of past work we’ve been loving reliving.
1/25: In 1993 we first designed Primo.
2/25: Chesdale Cheese. Flashback from 2001!
3/25: Gunn Estate, designed in 2004.
4/25: Remember Big Wednesday?
Designed in 2005.
5/25: When we dressed up Max in 2005.
6/25: Mainland from 2006. Good things stand
the test of time.
7/25: From 2007, Vogel’s – a true original.
8/25: Trumpet – designed in 2006 and still
sounding strong today. Prrrhhp-prr-pa-purp!
9/25: Fresh ‘n Fruity from 2009. The beamer,
the nodder, the glass half fuller. Still happily
fresh 10 years on.
10/25: Q Theatre taking centre-stage on
Queen St since 2010.
11/25: Designed in 2010 and instantly
recognised across the country as NZ’s
butcher, it sure is Hellers!
12/25: Columbine, NZ’s one and only
hosiery maker. Design from 2012 – a
nd it’s still got legs.
13/25: In 2012 we said “Cheers!” to the
iconic three stars and we’re proud as
punch with that.
14/25: In 2013 we munched our way through
CookieTime. Nom nom nom nom nom.
15/25: In 2014 we gave Macs an iconic redesign,
drawing attention to the brand’s craft brewing
expertise – and its iconic ring pull – that brought
the legendary beer back down the throats of beer
drinkers across the nation.
16/25: In 2015 we gave Craigs Investment Partners
an identity makeover, transforming the way they go
to market with everything from investment statements
to website.
17/25: Working on this Juicies stuff in 2015
was all good. Simple.
18/25: Kapiti from 2008, a true NZ original.
19/25: The Real McCoy from 2015 – very juicy indeed.
21/25: In 2016 we gave Superb Herb a fresh
new look, proud to say they are more than
flourishing in supermarkets across NZ.
22/25: In 2016 we made the First Lght identity personal.
It’s a signature of the small, groundbreaking group of
farmers and meat men behind this brand.
24/25: McCafe