Bringing home the Bacon, for Kiwi

Patoa Farms named South Island Farmers of the Year for 2014.
We reckon, you can't beat that.
Kiwi Bacon is, well, uniquely Kiwi… That’s why we were so proud when their key partner Patoa Farms were awarded a top New Zealand honour and named South Island Farm of the Year for 2014.
As the chief judge Nicky Hyslop put it “They (Steve & Josie Sterne) demonstrated it is possible to achieve at the highest levels of farming technology and business management in an outdoor free-roaming stock operation.”
But that’s nothing Kiwi Bacon didn’t already know, as they source all their product from Patoa Farms, using it to make their delicious top quality New Zealand free-farmed bacon. And to hammer home that point, and to remind all Kiwi’s just how good Kiwi Bacon is, we also gave the pack a bit of a facelift.
Nothing too radical. A bit of simplification, de-cluttering and a lighter, brighter touch to give it the respect it deserves. Just like their award winning farming partners, Patoa Farms, really.
More to the story, coming soon.