Behind every great identity is Brandheart™

Brand identity tells the world who you are and, more importantly, why you matter. That’s your Brandheart™ — and it is so much more than a nice-looking logo.

Our identity philosophy

Your brand identity is ultimately how people experience you — everything from how you answer the phone to how easy your website is to use. So our philosophy is that identities need to juggle two things: a consistent story and the flexibility to be fit for purpose.

The case studies below demonstrate how we’ve used the Brandheart™ approach to bring together focus and flavour to create winning brand identities.

Identity design work

Oi Casestudy 0
Organic Initiative
Jesa Update 00 Logo Final 2440x1570
Summit Awards 2023 Gold & Bronze
Apo 02 Boostyourbuddy Final 2440x1570
Australian Pet Organics
Dieline Awards 2022 Bronze / Good Design Award
1 2 3 6
Brands we have helped