Riding the wave of suc-css | Dow Goodfolk, brand strategy, identity, packaging and digital design agency
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Riding the wave of suc-css

Riding the wave of suc-css image


October 17 2018

The age old idiom “Behind every great designer is a great developer” rings no truer than in the case of our resident code wizard Chris Riding.

I reckon I’d be pretty correct in saying that Developers are the engines behind the creation of a website – you do literally build them. Is that an analogy you would agree with? Also what attracted you to becoming a developer?

You write and work in code – CSS, JAVASCRIPT, HTML – can you break down simply how that code relates to what we see on our screens?

What’s the difference between front end and back end?

Your work is seen to be carried out a bit more in the background but how early do you need to be involved in a new project?

Does it ever get arduous spending hours reading the matrix? And in any case what else you do have going on in real life?